Desire2Learn, or D2L, is an integrated learning platform designed to create a single place online for instructors and students to interact, either for a completely online course or as a supplement to a face-to-face course.
University of Arizona D2L Login Page
If you are a student or professor that needs assistance with D2L, please visit the help pages that the Office of Instructional Assessment has on their website.
If you would like to speak with someone about D2L please contact the UA D2L Support Team
Things to Know
Not Seeing Your D2L Course Site?
Sites are automatically activated 1 week prior to the course start date.
Students: If you don't see a class in D2L, and it starts in less than a week, your instructor may have made it inactive. If you are concerned about access, please email your instructor.
Instructors: If you don’t have your D2L course sites yet, visit the D2L Course Site Request page. If you would like to manually (de)activate your site visit the following help page.
What You're Agreeing To
D2L, and integrated technologies, are for educational purposes and may not be used commercially or disseminated to third parties. Violators may be sanctioned under the Student Code of Conduct . For the full text of this policy, along with other applicable policies, visit our Policies page